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Forum moderator: emozzz  
Bye2 Pringles...
emozzzTanggal: Selasa, 27 Jan 2009, 9:05 PM | Posting # 1
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'Cancer chemical' in Pringles
05/12/2007 09:07 - (SA)
Hong Kong - Packets of the popular snack Pringles were on Wednesday removed from Hong Kong supermarkets after tests in mainland China found them to contain a cancer-causing chemical.
Barbecue-flavoured packets of the potato crisps were taken off sale in Wellcome, one of the city's leading supermarket chains, after potassium bromate was discovered in samples in China.
Potassium bromate is a preservative allowed in limited quantities in the US but banned in China, Hong Kong and other countries because tests have found it to be carcinogenic.
The tests that discovered the ingredient were reportedly carried out in China in July when officials in the port of Zhuhai found the ingredient in imported Pringles.
However, the South China Morning Post reported on Wednesday that the snack's manufacturer Procter & Gamble indicated that the tested batch had been unofficially imported from the US.
Pringles sold in China and Hong Kong are made in mainland China and contain no potassium bromate, according to Procter & Gamble.
Hong Kong's Food and Environmental Hygiene Department was on Wednesday investigating the case and is expected to contact US authorities for more information. - Sapa-dpa

Cancer chemical found in Pringles, Hula Hoops and Prince Charles's organic crisps
BySean Poulter <>
Last updated at 1:59 PM on 13th September 2008

Duchy Originals crisps were found to contain the chemical acrylamide
An organic product sold under Prince Charles's Duchy Originals brand has been found to contain elevated levels of a cancer-causing chemical.
Hand-fried vegetable crisps from the Prince's range are among a number of products identified as containing acrylamide in a study by the Food Standards Agency (FSA).
Also on the list are Hula Hoops, Ryvita, Pringles and Tesco Ginger Nut biscuits.
Acrylamide is formed when starch-rich foods are fried, baked, grilled or toasted at high temperatures.
It has been found in a wide range of home-cooked and processed foods including potato crisps, French fries, bread, crispbreads and coffee.
Concerns about acrylamide first emerged in 2002 and food companies have made determined efforts to reduce the levels in their products.
The FSA has just published the results of the first survey in a three-year programme measuring the amounts of acrylamide and two other chemicals - furan and ethyl carbamate - in food.
Its report states these chemicals 'have the potential to cause cancer even at very low levels of exposure and experts advise that exposure to these process contaminants should be as low as reasonably practicable'.
Despite its warning, the Agency said it has concluded the levels of acrylamide found during its survey 'do not increase concern about the risk to human health'.
The highest readings for acrylamide were found in Tesco own-brand potato rings, ahead of the Duchy Originals vegetable crisps.
Among the fast-food chains, acrylamide levels were highest in the chips served by KFC, ahead of McDonald's and Burger King.
Procter & Gamble, which makes Pringles, criticised the FSA for going public with its findings.

Pringles are also on the FSA list
It said: 'P&G have made significant investments in finding and implementing ways to reduce acrylamide in Pringles.
'Though the level found at the time of the FSA analysis was accurate, the sample was made over a year ago (April 2007) and does not accurately represent values that would be found today.'
United Biscuits, which makes Hula Hoops, said: 'UB has been testing approaches to reduce levels of acrylamide through working with universities and its own research.'
A spokesman added: 'As acrylamide is formed in food by common cooking practices, it is likely that people have been exposed to it in their diet for thousands of years.'

highwindzTanggal: Kamis, 19 Feb 2009, 6:15 PM | Posting # 2
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singkat nya gmn?
bisa di jelasin g?
g mudeng baca nya....
g patek o isa inggris...
kl g slh...
tu isa maraki kanker y to?
nda an?
setw qu lo..... surprised smile
emozzzTanggal: Jumat, 20 Feb 2009, 4:37 PM | Posting # 3
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he e.... kyke yg seneng pringles bnyk yo... tp kok senk comment ni thread dikit ig... kecewa saya... wkakakakkaka
highwindzTanggal: Jumat, 20 Feb 2009, 8:18 PM | Posting # 4
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pengunjung web ini aja g terlalu bnyk oq...
web ini hrs di iklan ke oq...
ben ke rame....

trus jg...
tiap kl yg ol paling bnyk cmn 5....

koq isa sampe kanker to?
emg tu bhn yg dipake berbahaya to?
koq isa to?
aneh iq...

emozzzTanggal: Sabtu, 21 Feb 2009, 3:34 PM | Posting # 5
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y isa lah y... mungkin bumbu e semacam MSG... kan tu mang bahaya.. --a
SoraKeyTanggal: Sabtu, 21 Feb 2009, 9:53 PM | Posting # 6
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swt ig
td barusan wae aq makan pringles
serumah yang suka rasa sour cream and onion cuma aq
denny_adhitamaTanggal: Senin, 23 Feb 2009, 2:38 PM | Posting # 7
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yah pdhal pringles uenak lho, bumbunya mantep, ternyata itu yg bahaya toh.
wah gawat pdhal klo makan pringles 1 itu kumakan dewe ga bagi2, habis bis
emozzzTanggal: Senin, 23 Feb 2009, 3:15 PM | Posting # 8
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wakakakakak... tp ini just info og pak... pringles msi beredar ga sih d ind ??
highwindzTanggal: Senin, 23 Feb 2009, 5:01 PM | Posting # 9
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masih oq....
mlh hr ini...
di rmh qu ada pringles...
tp kl mkn sekali2 gpp to?
dry surprised
emozzzTanggal: Senin, 23 Feb 2009, 5:30 PM | Posting # 10
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y nd pa2 si... tp ak y jarang og.. jarang bgt malah, nd pateo suka si.. wakkakakakak
makanasiTanggal: Senin, 23 Feb 2009, 8:03 PM | Posting # 11
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gawe kanker
untung ra doyan....
emozzzTanggal: Selasa, 24 Feb 2009, 4:42 PM | Posting # 12
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wakkakakak... du2 e kw pemakan segalanya y van ?? waakkakaka...
highwindzTanggal: Rabu, 25 Feb 2009, 4:43 PM | Posting # 13
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masa van km g suka?


IdjoLoemoetzTanggal: Kamis, 26 Feb 2009, 8:49 PM | Posting # 14
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Aku mbaca sambil makan Pringles nih, yang warna ijo rasa Sour Cream & Onion...

Yang bahaya yang BBQ kan?? Brati yg ijo aman??

mimirioTanggal: Kamis, 26 Feb 2009, 9:23 PM | Posting # 15
Group: Moderators
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Status: Offline seneng buanget mbe pringles om...
pie jal..?
je ono 3 kaleng ki..wkakakakakka...
moso to ni tnanan..?
nda hoax?
highwindzTanggal: Minggu, 01 Mar 2009, 6:52 PM | Posting # 16
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y neq di makan kdg2 y gpp...
ketoke jgn bnyk2...
jadi g jadi penyakit....
ini g hoax..
bnran nie...
emozzzTanggal: Minggu, 01 Mar 2009, 8:14 PM | Posting # 17
Colonel general
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y si... bner jg... ne jarang2 ra po2... wkakakakak...
yousukeTanggal: Senin, 02 Mar 2009, 1:38 PM | Posting # 18
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Huffff......yang enak-enak tuh malah biasanya buahaya....
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