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Forum moderator: makanasi, PeacE^^  
kuroinekoTanggal: Senin, 02 Mar 2009, 7:26 PM | Posting # 51
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The Alchemist bagus..buat mrenung..heheh kayak bukune Mitch Albom.
Oia ak suka Oliver Twist Peter Pan...hehe..krenn cool
verchielTanggal: Senin, 02 Mar 2009, 7:39 PM | Posting # 52
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hoi hoi
ada jg yang baca the alchemist
ta pikir cm aku yo

btul alchemist mmg bgs
buatan paulo coelho tuh bagus2 bukunya
bagi yg mau baca renungan dan ingin mnjd org yg lbh baik
gentle, jujur, brani , dll

Warrior of the light

kuroinekoTanggal: Senin, 02 Mar 2009, 7:55 PM | Posting # 53
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stuju dong...ak pinjemi yg inggris dong...pny nda? ak mo bc paulo coelho yg lain tp blom smpet...heheh
witherwingsblueTanggal: Selasa, 03 Mar 2009, 2:04 PM | Posting # 54
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Quote (emozzz)
tp biasane momod e the lobby ngepost e slh tempat... --a

sp to momod e the lobby?

verchielTanggal: Selasa, 03 Mar 2009, 2:54 PM | Posting # 55
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momod e the lobby ki makan nasi

yo aku pny oq
y mau t bawake kapan??
kuro ki gbx??

makanasiTanggal: Selasa, 03 Mar 2009, 10:01 PM | Posting # 56
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the lobby talk about anything bukan ?
TERBUKA TUK semua yg binun mo post d mana....
verchielTanggal: Kamis, 05 Mar 2009, 8:27 PM | Posting # 57
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dah dah
kita dsn bkn mo tengkar
mo bicarakan buku!
kuroinekoTanggal: Kamis, 05 Mar 2009, 9:29 PM | Posting # 58
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mau dong Dong...bwke bsok py??hehe klo km msi ol ae si.. hee ni gabx
verchielTanggal: Jumat, 06 Mar 2009, 3:49 PM | Posting # 59
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eh snin tuh libur
selasa aku ada lomba
rabu ae y
alchemist to>??
witherwingsblueTanggal: Sabtu, 07 Mar 2009, 8:42 AM | Posting # 60
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ada yg bs kasi resensi the alchemist?

eh, eh, py nk misale mw crita ato promosi ttg buku, apapun itu, kasi resensi nya jugaa?
jd bs tw lgsg kr2 critane py..

btw, di dp mall ada gramed yg diskon2 an loo..
klo mw berburu buku di situ aja..
at least diskon 15% loo..

nsQuareTanggal: Sabtu, 07 Mar 2009, 8:46 AM | Posting # 61
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Teman2... buku apa iiank paling kalian minati..
hum.. bgs jugag bwt refrensi kmagz. ehhe
verchielTanggal: Sabtu, 07 Mar 2009, 4:09 PM | Posting # 62
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waduh mls translate ke ind iq

eragon, eldest, bringr tuh bagus
hmm trs buku2 lama sprti
les miserable, hamlet, knight with the iron helm tuh juga bagus
tapi ssh..bahasa ing lama>.<

witherwingsblueTanggal: Minggu, 08 Mar 2009, 7:22 AM | Posting # 63
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Quote (verchiel)
tapi ssh..bahasa ing lama>.<

haduh, bc yg ing biasa aja lama bgt, palagi bc yg ing lama.. aku baca the three musketeers aja blm selesai2 smp skg.. cry

Quote (verchiel)
ragon, eldest, bringr tuh bagus

duh, aku oq dah terlanjur ga minat ma eragon gr2 ntn film nya y..
moga2 nti liburan kenaikan kelas aku isa niat mbaca eragon..
soale ni buku ku yg blm kebaca numpuk.. wacko

eh, tmann..
kalian nk baca buku gmn? satu2 smp selesai ap barengan lgsg, jd baca buku A trs brenti sik baca buku B, nti bc buku A lg, pa py?

verchielTanggal: Minggu, 08 Mar 2009, 9:26 AM | Posting # 64
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kalian nk baca buku gmn? satu2 smp selesai ap barengan lgsg, jd baca buku A trs brenti sik baca buku B, nti bc buku A lg, pa py?

nek aku
langsung 1 buku selesai
itupun buku setebal H.P yg ke 4, 4-6 hari paling yo sls mbaca
ada ulangan ato apa kek ttp mbaca amp bar

witherwingsblueTanggal: Minggu, 08 Mar 2009, 1:08 PM | Posting # 65
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Quote (verchiel)
ada ulangan ato apa kek ttp mbaca amp bar


km bc harpot 5 brp hr, dong?
aku mpe lama bgt.. ga betah mataku.. mesti jd ngantokk..

rekor buku sing plg niat ta baca tu twilight.. bc twilight mpe breaking dawn tu nk ditotal 2 minggu kyk e.. hohoho..
soale pas liburan sii..

ada yg baca the time traveler's wife ga?

verchielTanggal: Senin, 09 Mar 2009, 8:10 PM | Posting # 66
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wew lama bgt mir
H.P 5 tuh 4 hari sls
rata2 smua buku t baca amp habis tuh
4-6 hari
soale pengen tau isine trs

aku g suka seh baca buku t tinggal2

kuroinekoTanggal: Selasa, 10 Mar 2009, 9:03 AM | Posting # 67
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mau tuh time traveler's wife!!!

eh ak mo share buku2 bagus :
1. Lovely Bones
2. As I Live Forever (kyke nti kuedit klo salah)
3. Sister's Keeper --> Jodi Picoult

KATANE apik...soale ak lom baca. tp ak pcaya bagus de...yg nomer 2 ak dah baca, bagus. ttg anak kna leukimia...ringan og bacaane

oke dong...rabo yak....tq tq

Vie-vieTanggal: Selasa, 10 Mar 2009, 7:43 PM | Posting # 68
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Quote (witherwingsblue)
kalian nk baca buku gmn? satu2 smp selesai ap barengan lgsg, jd baca buku A trs brenti sik baca buku B, nti bc buku A lg, pa py?

Aku nak bc buku ta selesein 1 1, br yg laen... KECUALI, klo bukune mbosenin, tak tinggal dulu...Bc yg laen" dl klo udah selesai br bc yg itu [klo ga males...heheheh]
verchielTanggal: Rabu, 11 Mar 2009, 3:02 PM | Posting # 69
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he e
nek buku ne elek tenan ra niat t baca
emozzzTanggal: Rabu, 11 Mar 2009, 4:53 PM | Posting # 70
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wew..... ak nd tw apa2 ttg smua senk dibahas di sini....

ak cinta buku BIOLOGI klz 11... wakakkaka...

jeliasaTanggal: Kamis, 12 Mar 2009, 2:26 PM | Posting # 71
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sitta karina?
apik bgt yOoo^^
ad yg tau titanium e sitta karina kluar e kpn??
witherwingsblueTanggal: Kamis, 12 Mar 2009, 2:51 PM | Posting # 72
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Quote (jeliasa)
ak cinta buku BIOLOGI klz 11... wakakkaka...

haduh.. haduh.. gawat.. grandpa ku gillaaa...

Quote (kuroineko)
mau tuh time traveler's wife!!!

aku punya lo, geb.. tp baca tu oq rasane vulgar bgt ya.. tp aku sng si mbe bukune.. hoho.. keren..

verchielTanggal: Jumat, 13 Mar 2009, 6:44 PM | Posting # 73
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time traveler's wife tuh buku paan?
karangan sapa??
kuroinekoTanggal: Jumat, 13 Mar 2009, 6:57 PM | Posting # 74
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ak krg tau dong. tp dah dibuat film e he3
witherwingsblueTanggal: Sabtu, 14 Mar 2009, 8:28 AM | Posting # 75
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karangan e Audrey Niffenegger..
ni aku copy-in dr wikipedia..

The novel tells the story of Henry DeTamble (born 1963), a librarian at the Newberry Library in Chicago, and his wife, Clare Abshire (born 1971), an artist from a wealthy family who makes paper sculptures. Henry has a rare genetic disorder, which comes to be known as Chrono-Displacement during his lifetime, that causes him to involuntarily travel through time. When 20 year old Clare meets 28 year old Henry at the Newberry Library in 1991, he has never seen her before, although she has known him most of her life. Clare's past is still in Henry's future. Henry begins to experience the events in Clare's childhood at the same time that he experiences life with the adult Clare in the present. In the novel, the future cannot be changed, and many tragic events are foreshadowed in the past.
Henry is unable to control his time traveling: when he leaves, where he goes, or how long his trip will last. His destinations are tied to his subconscious, as Henry most often travels to places he has visited or will eventually visit. Very often, Henry is taken back to the moment his mother died in a car accident that he survived, and is forced to observe the car crash again and again. Certain things like stress or flickering images (like those of television) can trigger time travel for Henry. It is described as being similar to epilepsy or a panic attack, though on brain imagery, his brain shows patterns similar to those who are schizophrenic. He uses running as a way of keeping calm and remaining in the present. But more importantly, he needs to be able to run fast to escape any unknown situations he could travel back (or forward) to at any given time.
Henry cannot take anything with him into the future or the past. Even fillings in his teeth are left behind. He always "arrives" naked and must work hard while "away" to find clothing, shelter, and food without getting beaten up or arrested. He amasses a number of survival skills including pickpocketing, lock-picking, and expert fighting skills. He learns many of these skills from older versions of himself, either when the older self is time-traveling into his own past, or when his older and younger selves' time-traveling coincides.
Henry frequently time travels into Clare's childhood and adolescence in South Haven, Michigan, starting in 1977 when she is six years old. On one of his early visits, Henry dictates to her a list of the visits he will make to her; she writes these dates into a diary so she can expect his visits. As an adult, when all of the visits are through, she gives the list to him to memorize so that he will know them when he returns to her in her past. This is an example of a predestination paradox, since the knowledge of the dates forms a causal loop, with Henry having got the list of dates from Clare when she was an adult, and Henry having memorized the list and dictated it to Clare on one of his first visits in 1977. During one of Henry's visits, he inadvertently reveals that he and Clare will be married in the future, confirming what a Ouija board spelled out to Clare and her friends at a sleepover. His last visit takes place on her eighteenth birthday in 1989 where he and Clare make love for the first time, and then they are separated for two years until they finally meet in real time for both of them.
Clare and Henry get married but have trouble bringing a pregnancy to term because of his genetic disorder. After six miscarriages, Henry wishes to save Clare further pain and has a vasectomy. However, a past version of Henry, pre-vasectomy, travels to the future and makes love to Clare. She becomes pregnant and carries the child to term. They have a daughter named Alba who is also diagnosed with the same disorder. Unlike Henry however, Alba has more control over her destination when she time travels. Before she is born, Henry travels to the future and meets Alba, who is ten years old and on a school field trip. During this visit, Henry is confronted by Alba's teacher, who is suspicious of his identity; Henry then learns that he has already died in real-time by the time Alba has turned ten. Alone with her dad, ten-year-old Alba confirms that he died when she was five years old.
During what is to be his last year of life, Henry time-travels to a Chicago parking garage on a frigid winter night where he is unable to find shelter. He experiences hypothermia and develops frostbite. When Henry returns to his 'present', his feet must be amputated. Henry and Clare both know that without the ability to escape by running, Henry will certainly die within the next few jumps back in time. On New Year's Eve, the DeTambles throw a party, ostensibly to celebrate the new year, but the real reason is known only to Henry: he knows that the journey that will take his life will happen that night, and he doesn't want Clare to be alone when that happens. Just before midnight, Henry time-travels into the middle of the Michigan woods during deer season and is fatally shot by Clare's brother. This scene is foreshadowed earlier in the novel. Henry returns to the present and dies in Clare’s arms.
Clare is devastated by Henry's passing, and feels unable to live her life without him. She finds a letter from Henry describing an experience he had with her in her future when she is an old woman.


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