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Forum moderator: highwindz, cophyor  
tonyTanggal: Senin, 09 Feb 2009, 7:39 PM | Posting # 1
Group: Active users
Total posting: 122
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Untuk persona3 ada secretnya g?
Bagi yg tau kasi tau donk surprised
realbadboyTanggal: Selasa, 10 Feb 2009, 11:10 AM | Posting # 2
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Secret paan???????
persona nya ato yg laen"..................
highwindzTanggal: Selasa, 10 Feb 2009, 3:38 PM | Posting # 3
Lieutenant colonel
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km dah dpt ruangan yg mush nya lvl 80 keats?
nash itu mungkin secret nya....
trus kl km dah bisa klh in death blm?
kl g slh dpt uang n exp nya bnyk.....
death g susah oq...
hehehe... cool cool
realbadboyTanggal: Rabu, 11 Feb 2009, 5:27 PM | Posting # 4
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monad ya..........
lv na 90 ke atas tuh..........
cr buka na namatin game 1 kali........
ntar di enterance na tartarus buka...........
sama ad 1 persona yg ebat bgt.........(orpheus telos)
tp syarat na harus menuhin smua social links dalam 1x maen........(susah wacko )
klo km buka namatin na gmpng bgt deh tongue
tonyTanggal: Rabu, 11 Feb 2009, 5:29 PM | Posting # 5
Group: Active users
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wah masalahnya aq lum tamat tuh
wkwkww... giggling
ini aja baru sampe blok 2
highwindzTanggal: Kamis, 12 Feb 2009, 5:37 PM | Posting # 6
Lieutenant colonel
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y udh....
tmatin dl....
dry dry
NoiRTanggal: Kamis, 12 Feb 2009, 8:45 PM | Posting # 7
Group: Moderators
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monad nda harus tamat..

aku tgl brapa bln gt udah isa ke monad..

enak bgt leveling nde sana..

char ku plg rendah 68 happy ^_^ happy
sg anjing tu to... nda guna bgt.. wkwkwkwk

orpheus kai tu nda plg ebad, cm plg bgs da segi bentuk dan kekerenan.. ne segi skill kalah jauh mbe lucifer.. <<< salah tls
ne yg plg bgs sg ta pake tu lucifer ma mesiah..

dah enak bgt tu.. armageddon e lucifer mantep.. dah gt isa heal mp abis battle happy ^_^

satan tu ya mayan, cm dapet e armageddon agak lama

Isi posting telah diubah oleh NoiR - Minggu, 15 Feb 2009, 5:59 AM
highwindzTanggal: Jumat, 13 Feb 2009, 12:11 PM | Posting # 8
Lieutenant colonel
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y emg...
monad g hrs tamat....
lvling disitu cpt bgt..
btl dan....
masa 1x battle naek lvl...
eh dan...
skill armageddon tu kan yg musuh e kena damage 9999 to?
edan kuwi mantep tenan....
swt ndeng....l
NoiRTanggal: Sabtu, 14 Feb 2009, 9:37 PM | Posting # 9
Group: Moderators
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he e.. wkwkwkwkk
makane aku leveling nde situ cpt..

lgs make lucifer, armagedon.. nda peduli mp entek..
bejo e lucifer q apik, jd isa victory apa gt pas lvl" awal happy happy happy

ton, sg mbo pk apa ae char e..??

btw, max char e tu 3 pa 4 iq? lupa wacko wacko

highwindzTanggal: Minggu, 15 Feb 2009, 5:22 PM | Posting # 10
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Moderators
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pake victory cry...
yg bwat hp n mp qt setelah battle full...
ya to dan?

max e 4 char e....
emg np iq?

biggrin cool

realbadboyTanggal: Senin, 16 Feb 2009, 8:16 AM | Posting # 11
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lucifer ma messiah maenna.........
aq peka 2 itu ma thanatos.........
lumayan tuh.......
NoiRTanggal: Selasa, 17 Feb 2009, 6:17 AM | Posting # 12
Group: Moderators
Total posting: 154
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thanatos ku copo oq.. isa e magic" toq.. nda isa jurus nyerang biasa cry cry cry

trakir dpt si thanatos isa vorpal sword.. tp dpt e pas luci q isa armageddon

jd yo nda dipake ==a

aku persona e pk e angel smua..

luci,mesi,micha,gabri,uri,rapha,satan happy happy happy

keren" sg kek gt

highwindzTanggal: Selasa, 17 Feb 2009, 4:14 PM | Posting # 13
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Moderators
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Thanatos krg ebat ah...
cmn keren ae...
tp mnrt qu persona plg ebat.....
tu kl punya qu thor....
stat e 99 smua...
walau msh lvl 70....
tp kl yg keren messiah....
keren tuh...
NoiRTanggal: Selasa, 17 Feb 2009, 8:41 PM | Posting # 14
Group: Moderators
Total posting: 154
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wele, messiah sayang e nda sa nyerang oq..

wew, oq isa thor mu apik to?

aku sg max 99 koq luci ma mesi toq..

btw, dah liat orpheus kai?

cophyorTanggal: Selasa, 17 Feb 2009, 10:04 PM | Posting # 15
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Persona 3 FES?? Ta carike di


Monad Block

Monad is a special block inside Tartarus containing only 10 floors, but full of level 90+ shadows. Monad can be accessed once you reach the top of Tartarus and complete Elizabeth's 53rd request.

New Game + Mode

Start The Journey from the beginning with progress gained when completed. New Game + is not available for The Answer. Aspects that carry over into New Game + for The Journey include your playtime, Charm, Academics, and Courage, the main character's level, your yen, your Persona compendium, your max S. Link items, your completed fusion spells, and any weapons, armor or accessories not equipped on your party members when you finish the game.

Unlock Elizabeth's Request #55

Elizabeth's 55th Request will have you facing off against the strongest enemy in the game, and cannot be challenged your first time through the game. After completing the game, request 55 is available on succeeding playthroughs. You must also complete request #53 as well.

Fusion Chart (gambarnya di click)

Attachments: 3749447.gif (199.6 Kb)

Isi posting telah diubah oleh cophyor - Selasa, 17 Feb 2009, 10:05 PM
highwindzTanggal: Rabu, 18 Feb 2009, 3:57 PM | Posting # 16
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Moderators
Total posting: 637
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km jg maen to dok?
aq maw tanya donk...
kl compendium qt udh 100%...
qt ada sesuatu yg rahasia kebuka apa g?

soal e aq br 88%...
ada sesuatu g?

tonyTanggal: Rabu, 18 Feb 2009, 4:00 PM | Posting # 17
Group: Active users
Total posting: 122
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waduh banyak banget yg maen
aq aja lum tamat2
wacko wacko
highwindzTanggal: Rabu, 18 Feb 2009, 4:06 PM | Posting # 18
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Moderators
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makanya donk ton....
cpt di tamatin....
biar taw semua nya.....
dry dry
tonyTanggal: Rabu, 18 Feb 2009, 4:08 PM | Posting # 19
Group: Active users
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ngom gampang tp aq kurang waktu tau....?!!
highwindzTanggal: Rabu, 18 Feb 2009, 4:09 PM | Posting # 20
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Moderators
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dah g usah di pikirin waktu ne....
maen biasa ae....
ne g cukup y maw gmn lagi...
y paling g km chit ja kl g cukup..
gt lo....
highwindzTanggal: Rabu, 18 Feb 2009, 4:10 PM | Posting # 21
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Moderators
Total posting: 637
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gmn ton soundtrack nya persona?
komplit kan?
tp cmn yg ke3....
yg FES ma yg ke 4 g ada...
mungkin nti aq maw dl.....
km maw?
tonyTanggal: Rabu, 18 Feb 2009, 4:12 PM | Posting # 22
Group: Active users
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maw tak buka di komp ku tp....
komp ku ge dibenerke
jd lum tak liat i cry
highwindzTanggal: Rabu, 18 Feb 2009, 4:12 PM | Posting # 23
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Moderators
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lo ada ap ton?
koq di bener ke?
surprised surprised
tonyTanggal: Rabu, 18 Feb 2009, 4:20 PM | Posting # 24
Group: Active users
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y itu
gara2 banjir kmrn+virus
wacko ......
highwindzTanggal: Rabu, 18 Feb 2009, 5:02 PM | Posting # 25
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Moderators
Total posting: 637
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Status: Offline
ya2 ton...
aq tanya e berkali2 y....
biggrin biggrin biggrin
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